Global Peace and Conflict Simulation Games (G-PACS)

This game has been developed by Yusuke Ishikawa (organizer of this game) and Shun Kawachi(co-organizer of this game) since 2015 inspired by“World Peace Game”, “Japan Model United Nations,” and case studies in Dispute Resolution Research Center of Northwestern University etc.

This game lets the participants play various roles of political figures, such as a Prime Minister and a president of an imaginary country.

[Short Summary]

Part I: Introduction Games
Depending on participants, warm-up activities are held before the main contents.

(i) Main goals:

・Warm-up the participants and break the ice
Warm-up the participants to learn basic Negotiation skills

(ii) Materials:


・Other negotiation materials (e.g. “International Negotiations”) 


Part II: Main Contents

・There are six roles in this game: Prime Minister in six countries (vice president or other ministers would be added depending on the number of participants).<

・You need to solve 2-5 issues. These issues cover a lot of challenges from international security issues to domestic problems. (e.g., Trade fraction, Syrian crisis, Military Bases, and Comfort Women issue)

・You need to try to maximize your point as much as you can. However, at the same time, you should try to achieve world peace.